Gain Height Through Pilates Posture

Posted by on Dec 27, 2014 in Core | 0 comments

Posture graphic

Good Posture V.s Poor PosturePosture enhancing Pilates Make you Taller?

What does Posture have to do with height?

Have you ever heard the saying, “Doing Pilates will make you taller?”

In reality Pilates teaches you to hold your optimal height.  When you use the core muscles unconsciously after a regular Pilates practice you will stand as tall as you were built to be. Don’t allow your body to be pulled closer to the ground for another day!


Here is an article teaching some useful exercises to elongate your spine and build muscle.

While these exercises are great, if you low bone density avoid any forward bending, rotation or side-bending especially if you are de-conditioned. For those with Osteoporosis or low bone density, please refer to for more information or if you are in the Denver metro area please feel free to contact me at for dates of “Bone Safe Pilates” workshops or visit for events in other states.


Not sure Pilates is for you? Take my Free Odyssey Rx Self Assessment and find out what Pilates will do for you and receive a special offer to get started with a custom plan suited to you! 


May this New Year be your healthiest ever!

#osteoporosis, #scoliosis, #pilates, #BetsyWalker, #spine, #backPain