Bug Bites, Repellent and Essential Oils

Posted by on Jun 23, 2014 in Blog, Children, Core, Essential Oils, Family, Health | 1 comment

What do Bug Bites &

Essentail Oils have in common?


I arrived in Eagle Colorado last night to find the mosquitos in rare form. Living near the river is wonderful for my parents but the bugs are having a feast-especially on my mother!


 A Happy Ending….


My mother was covered in bug bites and  I was glad that I had my Young Living, “purification”  essential oil blend handy.   Moments after applying this oil directly to the bites, the itch was gone and didn’t return.  Problem solved quickly!


Purification Essentail Oil

Purification Essential Oil


Repellant for Bug Bites


If you want to repel all kinds of bug bites naturally this summer,  thieves and peppermint essential oils are the way to go.  This recipe smells great and you don’t have to worry  about using something toxic on yourself and your family?

Natural bug repellent with essential oils

Stop Bugs with a natural choice of Young Living Essentail Oils


Why not join me and my oily friends-take the journey to discover how Young Living essential oils will improve your health and wellbeing?

For more information fill out the contact me  form or go to my Young Living  Essentail Oils page.

Journey toward better health and more Vitality….

By Betsy Walker